From one of Australia's most successful wealth and abundance coaches:

Forget about the fleeting financial “tips”, the short-lived budgeting tricks, and the inconsistent savings methods.

What if you could wake up every morning with clarity, purpose, and a solid plan for your financial future?

What if you could move past the fear of financial setbacks... and start paving the path to true wealth and abundance?

What if, instead of being overwhelmed by financial jargon and decisions, you could confidently take charge of your finances and create the prosperous life you've always envisioned?

Forget about the fleeting financial “tips”, the short-lived budgeting tricks, and the inconsistent savings methods.

What if you could wake up every morning with clarity, purpose, and a solid plan for your financial future?

What if you could move past the fear of financial setbacks... and start paving the path to true wealth and abundance?

What if, instead of being overwhelmed by financial jargon and decisions, you could confidently take charge of your finances and create the prosperous life you've always envisioned?

Hi, my name is Jane Slack-Smith, and I’m an author, wealth coach and the creator of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth."

Hi, my name is Jane Slack-Smith, and I’m an author, wealth coach and the creator of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth."

Every month, I engage with thousands of people through my webinars, workshops, and emails — and I’ve always encouraged them to share their stories and challenges with me.

Over the past 18 years, I've witnessed countless personal tales of financial struggles and aspirations.

I'm constantly inspired by the stories of individuals who have transformed their financial situations, achieved their dreams, and are now living abundant lives, contributing positively to their families and communities.

When I started this adventure, I was genuinely moved by the raw emotions and openness in their messages. Some days, I'd read about people overwhelmed by debt, feeling cornered by their financial situations, and on the brink of giving up. Yet, on brighter days, I'd hear from folks who, by embracing the lessons I share, had managed to turn their finances around, buy their dream homes, or even retire early.

It struck me — while many faced similar challenges, their reactions and outcomes were vastly different. Why did some thrive while others remained stuck?

This question led me to an in-depth study of the mindset and habits of those who successfully transformed their financial realities.

The patterns started to become very obvious: success wasn't just about tactics or strategies; it was about mindset, beliefs, and consistent action.

Being "stuck" — it's a silent epidemic. We all know someone who's been talking about buying a house or starting an investment for years but never takes the leap. They're forever planning, dreaming, but never executing.

I've seen it time and again. Individuals who are forever "going to" do something but never actually do. They talk a big game, set ambitious goals, but as time passes, their enthusiasm diminishes, and those goals become distant memories.

Let me share an example. Here's an email I received not too long ago:

"Jane, I've been wanting to buy a property for years. I've read all the books, attended seminars, but I just can't seem to take the plunge. I'm scared of making a mistake."

Curious, I asked her about her plans and preparations.

Her response? "I've been researching and waiting for the perfect moment for the past five years."

Five years of waiting for the "perfect" moment? Alarm bells rang.

Here’s the thing: this isn't an isolated case. Unfortunately, it's a recurring theme.

Analysis paralysis. The fear of taking action. The comfort of talking about plans without ever implementing them.

It's heartbreaking to see individuals with so much potential, so many dreams, held back by their own fears and limiting beliefs. Whether it's buying a property, investing, or simply setting a budget, the challenges remain the same.

Imagine the emotional toll of being in this state for years, or even decades.

The self-doubt, the frustration, the feeling of being trapped. It's a cycle, and a very negative one, so breaking free requires more than just financial knowledge; it requires a complete renovation of one's beliefs and mindset.

Here's the good news: You don't have to figure it all out by yourself.

What if you had a clear guide? Something that helps you break through those old, stuck beliefs that keep you from moving forward?

It's like sometimes you hit a good streak and things look up, but then, before you know it, you're right back where you started. It's as if the old tales of 'I can't do it' or 'It's never worked out before' are on repeat in your head.

We believe it's time for a big change. We've got a program that's all about helping you break that cycle. It's about more than just a quick fix; it's about really transforming the way you see yourself and what you can achieve.

We're here to support you in rewriting your own story, not with words, but with real action and a new mindset.

What I'm about to show you, explores your old operating system and gives you tools to create a new one. After all, why run on MS-DOS when Windows 11 is available?

Introducing: "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth"

At the heart of every transformation lies a simple, yet profound truth: our beliefs shape our destiny. This program is a transformative journey designed to guide you through a personal revolution, starting with the very foundation of your success—your beliefs. Drawing from my 18 years of experience and countless success stories, I've crafted a program that addresses the very challenges and roadblocks you face.

“Renovate Yourself, Renovate your Wealth” is made up of 20 videos recorded during a full day of online training. As we step through each of the topics, you can follow along in the workbook and by watching the video.

This online recorded training allows you to work through the modules and workbook in your own time.

This program is designed to illuminate and rewrite the deep-seated beliefs that have been holding you back. Through my guidance, you'll learn to identify and dismantle the limiting beliefs that have kept you from achieving your financial goals. It's not just about making more money; it's about reshaping your financial identity from the ground up.

At the end of the training you will have an awareness of your own money stories and patterns that you may be repeating, patterns that are holding you back from your true abundance.

Why "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth"?

  • Comprehensive Approach: We delve deep, addressing not just the outcomes but the beliefs and patterns that influence your decisions. It's about creating a sustainable foundation for wealth and personal growth.

  • Actionable Strategies: No more paralysis by analysis. You'll receive actionable steps, ensuring you move from planning to execution.

  • Mindset Transformation: Become aware of so you can break free from the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck. Discover the power of a renovated mindset that aligns with your goals.

  • Supportive Community: You're not alone on this journey. Join a community of like-minded individuals, all working towards their own financial freedom, providing mutual support and encouragement.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed, stuck, or uncertain about your financial future, this is your opportunity. It's time to stop dreaming and start doing. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and unlock the doors to your financial abundance and personal empowerment.

Hear From Those Who've Transformed Their Financial Realities

No one can deny there's power in personal stories. And while I can share the benefits and features of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth", nothing speaks louder than the experiences of those who've walked the path before you. These are real individuals, just like you, who took the leap, embraced the program, and witnessed profound changes in their financial and personal lives. So, dive into their stories and see for yourself the transformative impact of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth".

"The real gift here is the awareness... because we're already so close..."

- Bailey L.

"..being really grounded on my capability, my capacity to create a home filled with love..."

- Rachel A.

"After the meditation, I wrote the most beautiful, majestic plan... and I can't believe I wrote that!..."

- Sandra D'S.

"My realisations are coming much quicker, because I got more awareness..."

- Rani S.

The Power of Taking Action: Why Now?

In the world of personal finance and self-improvement, timing is everything. But waiting for the "perfect" moment can often lead to missed opportunities and prolonged stagnation - that is without mentioning the guilt that will hunt you in the shape of infinite “what if”s.

Being that said, why is now the ideal time to embark on the "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" journey?

  • Immediate Change: Every day you wait is another day you remain in your current financial situation. Starting now means you're one step closer to breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving the financial freedom you desire.

  • Shaping Your Financial Future: Discover the mindset shifts crucial for achieving your financial dreams, whether it's a vacation, a new home, or a robust emergency fund. By reshaping the narratives you hold about money and success, you'll unlock a path to not only meet but exceed your financial aspirations with clarity and confidence.

  • Economic Uncertainties: In an ever-changing economic landscape, having the knowledge, tools, and mindset to navigate financial challenges is crucial. Prepare yourself now to face potential economic shifts with confidence.

  • Personal Growth: Our program equips you with the mental tools to reach your goals faster and with greater certainty. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll experience growth in other areas of your life, from relationships to career aspirations.

  • The Cost of Inaction: Consider the emotional and financial toll of remaining stuck. You’ve been there and that’s why you’re here on this page. Hesitation has its price - missed gains, lost savings, and forfeited tranquility. Take the step today to prevent the high cost of inaction and pave the way for a prosperous tomorrow.

  • Immediate Change: Every day you wait is another day you remain in your current financial situation. Starting now means you're one step closer to breaking free from limiting beliefs and achieving the financial freedom you desire.

  • Shaping Your Financial Future: Discover the mindset shifts crucial for achieving your financial dreams, whether it's a vacation, a new home, or a robust emergency fund. By reshaping the narratives you hold about money and success, you'll unlock a path to not only meet but exceed your financial aspirations with clarity and confidence.

  • Economic Uncertainties: In an ever-changing economic landscape, having the knowledge, tools, and mindset to navigate financial challenges is crucial. Prepare yourself now to face potential economic shifts with confidence.

  • Personal Growth: Our program equips you with the mental tools to reach your goals faster and with greater certainty. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll experience growth in other areas of your life, from relationships to career aspirations.

  • The Cost of Inaction: Consider the emotional and financial toll of remaining stuck. You’ve been there and that’s why you’re here on this page. Hesitation has its price - missed gains, lost savings, and forfeited tranquility. Take the step today to prevent the high cost of inaction and pave the way for a prosperous tomorrow.

In life, there's rarely a "perfect" time to start something new. But there's immense power in taking action. By choosing to start now, you're prioritizing your financial well-being, personal growth, and future success.

Don't let another year go by feeling stuck or overwhelmed. The time to renovate your mindset and wealth is now.

We’ve been there. We understand that embarking on a transformative journey like "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" might bring up some reservations. It's natural to have questions or concerns.

So, let's address some of the most common ones:

  • "Is this just another financial course?" No, this is not a financial course. We focus on the underlying beliefs and patterns that have shaped your financial journey up to this point. With a unique blend of personal development and mindset coaching, this program equips you with the tools to not only understand wealth but to create and sustain it.

    It's about empowering you to make informed decisions that align with your goals and values, transforming your relationship with money, and ultimately, leading you to a life of abundance and fulfillment that extends well beyond the bank account.

  • "Can I afford this?" Think of this as an investment in your future. The knowledge and mindset shifts you'll gain can lead to increased savings, better financial decisions, and a clearer path to your goals. And, while the value you'll receive far outweighs the cost, we have also priced this program in a way that allows us to help as many people as we can.

  • "I'm already too busy. How will I find the time?" The beauty of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" is its flexibility. It's designed for you to go at your own pace, ensuring you can fit it into your schedule, no matter how hectic it already is.

  • "What if it doesn't work for me?" Well, as you may know by now, success is a combination of the right tools and personal commitment. While we provide comprehensive strategies and support, your dedication will drive and determine your transformation.

  • "I've tried other programs before and they didn't help." I understand that it can be frustrating to try different programs without seeing the results you're looking for. What sets "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" apart is its foundational focus on mindset and beliefs, which are often the unseen barriers to financial success.

    While many programs concentrate on the external tactics of wealth creation, our approach is to start from within. We delve into the subconscious narratives that dictate your financial behaviors. It's not just about teaching you how to manage or invest your money; it's about transforming the way you think and feel about wealth itself.

    Our program is designed to help you uncover and rewrite those deep-seated beliefs that have been silently steering your financial decisions. By changing your mindset, you change your financial destiny.

  • "Is my financial situation too unique or challenging for this program?" By focusing on the foundational beliefs that influence your financial decisions, you can begin to see change regardless of your starting point. Whether you're facing debt, irregular income, or any other financial challenge, the principles of mindset transformation are universally applicable and powerful.

  • "I'm not sure I'm ready for a deep dive into my beliefs and mindset." Personal growth can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. By confronting and understanding your beliefs, you're paving the way for genuine transformation. And you won’t be alone. We'll be here to support you throughout.

Your concerns are valid, but so is your desire for financial freedom and personal growth. "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" is more than just a program; it's a commitment to yourself and your future.

We're here to guide, support, and empower you every step of the way.

Take the Leap: Your Future Awaits

You've journeyed with us through the transformative potential of "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth." You've seen the challenges many face, the unique approach our program offers, and the unwavering support we provide. Now, it's time to make a decision.

Why Choose "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth"?

  • Transform Your Financial Destiny: Uncover and reshape the deep-seated beliefs that govern your financial behaviors, and set the stage for a future where wealth is not just possible, but inevitable.

  • Tailored Wealth Consciousness: Engage with a program that appreciates the uniqueness of your financial journey, offering strategies to shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.

  • Beyond the Numbers: This is not a financial course; it's a comprehensive transformation that empowers you to align your financial choices with your life's purpose and deepest values.

  • Lasting Change, Not Quick Fixes: Learn to create sustainable wealth with a renewed mindset and belief system that will continue to serve you long after the program ends, turning financial well-being into a way of life.

The path to financial freedom and personal growth is paved with decisions. Some small, some significant, but all crucial. Today, you stand at one such crossroads.

Are you ready to renovate your beliefs, transform your financial reality, and embrace the life you've always dreamt of?

Don't let another day, week, or year go by feeling stuck and overwhelmed. The tools, strategies, and support you need are just one click away.

Your future self will thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" program?

“Renovate Yourself, Renovate your Wealth” is made up of 20 videos recorded during a full day of online training. Since you’ll have lifetime access to the course, you can go through the modules at a speed that suits your schedule and learning style.

Do I need any prior financial knowledge to benefit from this program?

Not at all. "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" is designed to benefit anyone regardless of their financial background. It focuses on the foundational mindset and beliefs that influence your financial decisions, which is something everyone can learn and improve upon, no prior knowledge required.

How is this program different from other financial courses?

Our program stands out due to its comprehensive approach. While many courses focus solely on financial strategies, we delve deep into renovating our mindset, ensuring lasting change and success.

Can I access the course materials after completing the program?

Yes! As I mentioned before, once you enroll, you'll have lifetime access to the course materials, allowing you to revisit the content whenever you need a refresher.

How soon can I start seeing results?

As you know, the journey to financial freedom and personal growth is unique for everyone. Some participants notice changes in their mindset within weeks, while others might take a bit longer. The key is consistent engagement and application of the strategies taught.

I have more questions. How can I get in touch?

We're here to help! Please reach out to our support team at [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist you.

This is Your Moment: The Path to Transformation Awaits

You've delved deep into what "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" offers. You've seen the potential for transformation, the support we provide, and the success stories of those who've walked this path before you. Now, it's your time to make a decision.

Every moment you wait is a moment your future self could be benefiting from the insights, strategies, and mindset shifts this program offers. The journey to financial freedom and personal growth is a profound one, filled with challenges but also immense rewards.

Ask yourself:

  • Where do you want to be a year from now?

  • Do you want to continue feeling stuck, or do you want to embrace a life of clarity, confidence, and abundance?

The tools, strategies, and community you need to make that transformation are right here, waiting for you.

Don't let hesitation hold you back. Dive in, take the leap, and let's renovate your future together.

Your journey to a brighter, more prosperous future starts with a single step. Take it.

WAIT! 🌟 Get This Exclusive Bonus When You Join Today 🌟

When you embark on your journey with "Renovate Yourself Renovate Your Wealth", we've got a special gift to supercharge your experience.

As a thank you, we're including a transformative bonus: "The Million-Air" Abundance Meditation by the renowned Rachel Julie Adams, creator of The Soul Aligned Reality course (valued at $97).

Why is this meditation a game-changer? Let's dive in:

  • Breathe in Prosperity: Learn to recognize the abundance in each breath, connecting with the natural wealth of life.

  • Universal Connection: Feel a profound sense of oneness with the Earth and the universe, expanding your awareness of abundance.

  • Gift of Giving and Receiving: Embrace your unique talents and understand the balance of giving and receiving in the flow of abundance.

  • Gratitude and Fulfilment: End your meditation enriched with gratitude, feeling aligned with universal abundance.

With every breath, you're reminded of your inherent right to abundance and prosperity.

This meditation isn't just a practice; it's a transformational journey to awaken the abundance within you.

Ready to unlock this exclusive bonus? Join "Renovate Yourself, Renovate Your Wealth" today and begin your path to financial and spiritual richness with the guiding light of "The Million-Air" Abundance Meditation.

🌟 Limited Time Offer: Transform Your Wealth with
Our Exclusive Combo Deal! 🌟

Are you ready to revolutionize your financial journey and unlock the life of abundance you've always desired? We're excited to present an extraordinary opportunity, exclusively for our dedicated community members like you!

For a limited time, we're bundling "Renovate Yourself Renovate Your Wealth" with "Your Way to Wealth - The Magician's Way" - all for the exclusive price of just $597! (save ~$200!)

Dive deep into a world where financial empowerment and personal growth intersect.

"Renovate Yourself Renovate Your Wealth" - This masterclass is more than just financial advice; it's a journey into the depths of your own mindset. Break through mental barriers and lay the foundation for lasting financial success.

🌟 "Your Way to Wealth - The Magician's Way" - Continue your transformative journey with this course that blends wisdom, fun, and magic. Learn the art of wealth creation in all aspects of your life, guided by engaging and innovative methods.

Together, these courses offer a comprehensive path to not just financial freedom, but a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

But hurry, this offer is as fleeting as a magician's illusion!

Available only for a short period, this is your chance to seize control of your financial destiny at an unmatched value.

Embrace Your Potential:

Embrace Your Potential:

  • Gain invaluable insights from Jane Slack-Smith, a seasoned entrepreneur and wealth creation expert.

  • Join a supportive community that champions personal and financial growth.

  • Learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

This is your moment of truth! Make the choice to transform your financial narrative. Click below to grab this limited offer and take the first step towards a life filled with wealth, purpose, and joy.

Your Success Club. © 2023 by Jane Slack-Smith. All Rights Reserved